Friday, October 28, 2011


Well, it's a nippy 48 degrees here in NYC, and was an even chillier 37 when I left the house this morning for the gym. I got to pull out my winter coat for the first time this season (felt a bit premature, considering it's only October, but 37 degrees?!). Before I know it, it'll look like this outside:

                                                               (snowstorm of 2010)

In other news, I am gearing up for what I'm sure will be an EPIC game of Catan tonight. Now, you might be asking, "What is this catan of which you speak?" Well, dear friends, Catan is short for Settlers of Catan, which is short for THE BEST BOARD GAME EVER. And now I have officially outed myself as a nerd. 

I was introduced to this game by a dear friend of mine, and she and her fiance have since converted the Mr. as well. It might look kind of old fashioned and uninteresting, being that there are no gadgets, whistles, or electronic devices. It's a simple game that combines strategy with a desire to RULE THE WORLD (caps lock is necessary when speaking about Catan). The main idea is that you are a settler in the world of Catan, and you need to use the resources that are available to you in order to build cities, settlements, and roads. All of these are worth points, and the first person to get to either 8 or 10 points (depending on how many people) wins. It is straightforward and incredibly addicting. The Mr. and I have come close to screaming matches because of behavior that has gone on during Catan. It brings out the worst in people--any sort of manipulative, scheming qualities you might have will come out. But that's okay; in fact, it's kind of necessary if you want to RULE THE WORLD. 

So this will be our evening activity. Hope everyone out there has a fabulous Friday! And go me--I got dressed today! It might not have happened until 2pm, but I did make it into real clothes :) 

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